Sunday, November 05, 2006

The WHY ask why edition of the spotted apple

Last week, I worked from 8 am until 4 pm without a single break except to down an apple while gathering a train pass. I did this Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday, I had to scramble together an agenda for a department meeting. The whole department meeting calendar is completely out of wack now that people have actually had the courage to say that it is not fair that we have six thousand meetings that go way beyond the scope of the teaching contract that we are supposed to follow. Not that any of those days where I taught all periods in a row count as legal either. After preparing for my teaching blocks, I spent all the afternoons running "team building" courses in the park. Woah. I came home with feet so heavy I had to hire movers to carry me inside.
I have to GET OUT... I must get my resume updated and start spreading the word. word. If I don't, I'll be right back next year and no sir ee bob. I can't handle another year of the sheer and total chaos that is our school.

Why, for example, is it that our boss demands meetings, insists on the importance of them, as well as professional development, and then, when the contract actually designates a day for these events, he chooses to have the staff play a game of water polo? How about using that entire day for PD? Lots of departments are going out for pd from other places, which in my mind, is REAL pd. The English department is getting training on a specific methodology to teach writing a paragraph for example. A perfectly decent use of time. No need to play games. Offer game time to people who want to hang around after hours. Not me in other words.

And why, why why why, is there a meeting tomorrow when there is no real plan for what to have a meeting about? In fact, I got an email tonight telling me that I was presenting at the meeting tomorrow. Not possible as I will not even be in the building because I am finishing the "team building' and putting in yet another all day of teaching without a break to catch my breath with.

Finally, why is it, please, that the copy machine NEVER works in the morning and my classes start at 8? WHY?

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