Wednesday, December 20, 2006

How can you be pro-union and still hate the fact that you and the shitty teachers get the same deal? Instead of kudos thrown at me via a last minute request to "update the staff" on the great work that I've been doing, why not shove a letter in my file --I would prefer commendation to public praise anyday. Besides, public praise is ultimately just public humiliation since my peers look at me with razor glares and I'm left feeling like the nerds I pity in my class. If I want to leave this place, which I clearly do, why can't I have support and help from the administration? Is it THAT hard to write a template with boxes to tic when someone does something right? They certainly are fast to get something in when a teacher screws up. The system blows. I bust my last gut working to meet with teachers, co-plan, follow up on concerned students, lead imaginative and creative projects, in short to exceed expecations, but I am seen as no different from the teacher who kicks her heels up and surfs the online shopping sites all day between her classes of five students. Sure, I stand out within my school, but not in NYC and I want OUT! HELP!!! I am trapped in a school where there is no place for my drama productions. But there is certainly plenty of drama.