Thursday, September 21, 2006

surr fucking reality.

two years ago someone wanted our high school to have concentrations and so hours and hours of work went into planning and surveying the kids on what they wanted, choosing the concentrations, getting them all signed up for them, and planning our classes so that the kids could be in courses related to their concentrations. Fast forward to today. No one mentions them. Yet this is the reason that the 10th grade class I am teaching is in 10th grade instead of 11th or 12th. So, I am teaching a different age and an entirely different course, why again? I don't know.

today I found out that someone in my department is teaching the same kids I am for no reason whatsoever. I teach the entire tenth grade english but somehow she has all the same kids for something called enriched english. she is supposed to be the special ed teacher helping the kids with the work in my class but no, instead she is giving them extra work so that they can fail two classes. this is not her fault. this is apparently what she was told to do.

yesterday I attended a meeting where we spent 20 minutes discussing what the meeting was supposed to be about. Hours later, I still don't know and worse than that it appears to have NOTHING to do with the position that I hold which enables me to attend the meeting in the first place.

advisories were told today that they have to plan college trips with their advisories, they have to raise half of the money and that these trips will be held the day before Thanksgiving break in an attempt to increase attendence the day before a major holiday. Oh yeah, and most of the colleges will be closed.

we sit in meetings and are told things that make no fucking sense. then go to other meetings to create policies that make no fucking sense.

everyone is disgruntled. this is because on some days people are teaching for 6 or 7 period in a row. This is entirely illegal. But on other days, those same teachers are done by about 10 and the administration gets upset when they aren't doing anything.

there are people on staff who don't do shit and who can not teach and nothing happens to them while others bust their asses and are ignored.

today both the principal and the assistant principal left us entirely alone in the building for the entire afternoon. The dean was "in charge" while they were away. No one knew about this. I figured it out only after trying for several hours to track them both down.

a staff employee picked up a check today that was for 80, but after taxes she got $13. She said she was going to take us out to lunch with it. She'd just been asked to do more work.

my students and I had a hilarious conversation about manatee sex and we conjugated verbs in the past tense at the top of our lungs. Someone who is finally catching on to the whole concept of verbs shouted out "She sucks dick. She sucked dick." They were shocked when I congratulated them on the inventive demonstration of learning and requested that perhaps they choose a better verb.

Ah, public school.

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